Sunday, February 15, 2015


India Vs Pakistan 15-02-2015
Time: 13.58, Adeliad, Astralia

Lagna: Since it is neutral ground Lagna is assumed based on the uniform color. In this aspect Pakistan’s green shade is associated with Taurus, so Taurus assumed for Pakistan and 7th Bhava Scorpio assumed for India  
Saturn (3rd and 4th Lord) in Lagna signifies that the team effort will be more and they are very comfort in play. Lagna Lord in 5th tells that there will be in aggressive implementation of the strategy and plan
Pakistan will show their hard work in their play, but most of the player would be comfort zone, cause for some boundary
There may be little slow in play (Mercury 8th lord in 3rd). But 2nd and 5th Lord Jupiter is in 9th and exalted, signifies that convert the weakness into positive. The slow play would turn as good strategy.
8th lord, in 3rd would lead to waste their efforts. 2nd and 5th Lord Mercury in 9th and aspected by 8th lord Jupiter, may not much fruitful to them
10th Lord sun in 4th conveys that matured play will be ensured
Rahu in 5th would create obstacles in execution of their strategy.
9th Lord in 2nd will give needed resources to execute the strategy and plan. Moon and Jupiter are exchanged their houses is added advantage
It also expected rain might create more pressure to pakistan
Moon is nearer to the lagna of India (Scorpio)

Finally, India have advantage to win today’s battle

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